A Solid Foundation

It almost sounds cliche’ to talk about how fast the year has gone…yet, here we are. Thanksgiving only weeks away. If I don’t get going on Christmas there will be some pouty faces on December 25th as well. I’m all about planning ahead, but I want to just freeze frame this week. Take a breath and enjoy the brief fall colors while lifting thanks for the beauty of creation and the end of a valley.

October was…..a strange month around here. Not just for us, but for others that I know as well. I could say it has been difficult. There were moments it sure felt that way. It was also extremely busy. Some of the pressures were good at their roots, others were truly obstacles that were designed by the devil himself to steal, kill, and destroy. So from that standpoint I write today that on November 1st we’ve passed through those hardships victorious on the other side.

I could write about the illnesses, the sense of exhaustion that seemed to surround so many, the endless cloudy days and rain which threaten to steal crops, yada, yada….it all happened. What I will write about today are two events that will make October 2021 stand out in my memory forever.

There was a wedding celebrated toward the end of the month which brought my dear friend from Alaska. If you’ve been a reader you already know these visits are precious and few and far between. This visit also brought the majority of her family, including the grandbabies. I haven’t been blessed with little grandbabies yet. I have older grandchildren whom I love, but I didn’t get to experience their early years. Having these little ones around was such a treat. Seeing what my friend gets to experience on a regular basis, all that she talks about during our phone conversations, was truly a joy.

I also was able to spend some quality days with my friend. Catching up. Just her and I. Even when I do get to see her it’s very rare that our time is one on one. It worked out perfectly that while my in-laws were vacationing this month they were so kind to let us stay at their home on the lake. Their location just happens to be close to several antique stores. This is one of our favorite things to do together so it was an enjoyable time. Meander, talk, pick things up only to set them down again, laughing several times at some event or something said. Though I am not an overly social person, we are at our cores social creatures designed to have confidants and deep relationships. For me, that includes a spiritual core connection from which to draw. She is one of the few that I can share this with. For it, there are bonds that cannot be broken.

Bearing one another’s burdens amidst the laughs during this tougher month is one of the things that has brought us through to November intact. Better actually. We are meant to support each other. Especially those of like faith who will stand with you against the largest of obstacles.

Now for item number two: one of those obstacles this month was my dear grandma who at age 101 was diagnosed with COVID. According to the world this should have been a death sentence for her. But…thank God for people in her life who at the first mention of it said “NO!” The declaration that this curse would not be her end made all of the difference. Prayers, true prayers, for her health and well being lifted on her behalf and I knew she’d live through this and not die. Though it was difficult to not be able to see her, to not be able to encourage her in person, I had a peace in knowing I’d see her healthy again after her quarantine. She almost immediately turned for the better after her diagnosis. The positive reports at how well she was doing left doctors, nurses, and all who know her in amazement. But that’s the God we serve. She was never admitted to the hospital but for that initial diagnosis. After those few hours she was sent home…to live or die.

Two days ago I visited for the first time in over a month and there she sat. In her favorite chair by the window. Smiling. Right as rain. Not a trace of what the devil intended for her demise. We chatted for over an hour.

Yes, I know we all have an end. I am a firm believer however, that while our end is ultimately in God’s hands, our mouths have a lot to do with it. God created the world with speech, why do we think our words do not create and destroy as well? My Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

And so, today I am thankful for life. I am thankful for those in my life who speak life with me. I am thankful for the reminders this last month that God’s Word is true, trustworthy, and and a solid foundation for all worthy relationship.

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