Evenings Like This

As if the day knew it’s name…October 1st, even at it’s brightest the autumn sun held it’s lengthening shadow and dust hung in our air all day long. Like a timer went off most the crops have chimed “ready” so the hum of combine engines, semi haulers, and tractor tires whirring by have sung a melody from mid morn until now- dusk. And what a beautiful evening it is. The kind a country girl kinda lives for.

Forget the crazy world. For this moment I sit on my homemade swing with a slight chill on my arms. In front of me an orange orb is setting into it’s bed of lavender and pink swirls for the night. But tonight a dust cloud hovers like a fog machine has lent mystery and a unique beauty to the view. Add the crickets to the background noise and I hear: peace.

Neighboring combine working hard to bring this fields corn in.
This is the haze. The harvest haze.

Alright. Alright. I apologize to the allergy sufferers out there. But it is pretty, if not easy on your other senses. I’d take this any day.

Today is also bow opening for deer season in our area. I have four family members enjoying the woods this evening. So it begins. Late dinners and early breakfasts from now until January 1, 2022. It’s worth it. Even if we don’t tag out the solitude, the peace, the freedom to just be in nature getting back to the things that really matter in life is worth it.

Sow the seed, watch it grow, harvest always comes you know.

In fields, in the woods, in the world at large this is true. Just look around.

Tonight I am breathing this country air deeply. Thankful, I have good things here to be harvested. In the natural and in the Spirit.